Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Results of This Morning's Visit to my Oncologist

My visit to my oncologist this a.m. has gone extremely well. She is very supportive of the Texas options and we have agreed on the following plan:

1) CT scan to be scheduled the week of Feb. 8, following second chemo Jan. 25
2) CT scan should be read by Feb. 12
3) Third chemo is scheduled for Feb. 16; this will be the decision day, as I will have an exam first. We will either proceed with the third chemo because it is working or stop because it is not and begin planning with Dallas to see when I could go there for screening to see if I qualify for their clinical trial.

She also told us about another group of trial drugs, called PARP-1 inhibitors. There is a clinical trial for that just starting in Bethesda, Maryland but since I have already started treatment with carboplatinum, I am not eligible for it. However, she said that more trials would be set up in the future and that I might be eligible for one of those. Now that she knows we will travel for treatment, she can again offer more options. If I don't need to go to Dallas this time, it may also be an option for future treatments, since you have to keep changing the 'attack drug' - cancer cells adapt very quickly apparently and become resistant, once they have been 'chemoed' with a drug.

So - lungs 'sound good' again, metatases are very small, detection was early, I feel great, God is good. We are quite relieved, and don't have to go back to Windsor until Monday !

David's eye is getting better by the day although it is still quite pink. His cataract surgery was Jan. 13, a week ago today. He also had the silicone oil removed from his eye and the combination of new lens and clearer fluid has resulted in much better vision. He is seeing improvement daily although that black space in the centre from the tiny cyst is still there. He can adapt by moving the centre of his vision around, to see what he is missing.

Thank you again for all the prayers offered on our behalf.

1 comment:

Gail said...

Hi Helen:
I just decided to visit your page here to see if you had written anything since last spring. Was I surprised to hear this news. I felt better after reading your last piece though and continue to keep you in my prayers. You are such an inspiration to everyone with your positive words and I will use your prayer often I am sure. Talk to you soon. Love Gail