Saturday, June 12, 2010

Update - June 12, 2010

It's a lovely, quiet Saturday morning here - I'm the only one up and the house is peaceful. I'm thinking about putting on the air conditioning before things heat up, since today is forecast to be the hottest and most humid one we've had so far this year. I have found that humidity can really affect my breathing ability.

Well, chemo went well this past Monday - nothing much to it. We had had a quiet weekend with my sister coming for a visit from Ottawa and I was ready to return to the chemo routine. I almost forget about it - have to remind myself the night before. We were a little longer this time - 8:45 - 10:30 or so - not bad at all. The chemo medication comes in a little syringe - about 2 tablespoons of fluid - and it is injected into the IV line that is already attached to my port. I continue to pray that the cancer will respond to it and that it will have the desired effects of slowing and/or stopping the growth of this cancer.

Tuesday, we went to Windsor for the 'ultrasound-guided needle biopsy' of the bump on my head. This did not go as expected. The ultrasound did not show as clear a picture as the radiologist M.D. wanted before doing the needle biopsy, so a CT scan of my head was arranged. Of course, this involved another hour or two of waiting, but at least it was in familiar surroundings. After the CT scan had been read, the radiologist came and told me that the biopsy was not necessary any more - "we can see well enough what's going on in there with the CT scan". This was delivered in the hall of the hospital as well as a message that my oncologist would clarify it with me. So - we were all upset - what could it mean? Spent a few hours in mental turmoil. But we went out for lunch, and while in the restaurant I was reminded by that quiet inner voice of the verse which says "God has not given us a spirit of fear..." and I was able to return to a place of mental peace. We have not heard anything further and I am operating on the philosophy that 'no news is good news' The longer it takes to hear something, the less serious it will be. So we are just going on with our lives and getting ready for these weddings! The first one is a week from today. Later today I go to get my dresses and things will seem even more real and exciting, once they are hanging in the closet.

My breathing continues to improve - I have spent several nights sleeping without my oxygen and can be without it for several hours at a time during the day if I am not too active - like typing out my blog! I have had it off for over an hour this morning as I have been doing this and it feels very good not to have the cannula on my face all the time. I still have a lot of coughing at times but we had recorded to conversation with the radiologist when we talked about doing the radiation and he mentioned that my esophagus would be inflamed from the radiation and I would have a lot of coughing and difficulty swallowing as a result. I had forgotten that part in the excitement of having my breathing improve so much.

Well, I think that's it for today - hope your day goes well and that you are aware of God's presence and blessing with you as you go about your lives.

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