Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update - June 15, 2010

Good morning - kind of overcast here today and rain is expected for tomorrow but all indications are that Saturday will be warm and sunny for the first wedding! For the Texas crowd a day in the 80's will be a welcome cooling off from the weeks of 95's that they have been experiencing.

Chemo yesterday went very well - done by 10:30 or so. I was able to walk both into and out of the chemo lab - no wheelchair, as I had been doing when I started in May. This would be a distance of several hundred feet and I see it as another little measure of my general improvement and returning strength. I am so thankful. The actual dose of chemo is 6 ml. If it proves effective against the cancer, I may be on it for some time, but we'll see how that develops.

We also had a very encouraging talk with the supervising doctor in the chemo lab yesterday. I told him about my CT experience in Windsor and he felt the bump again - told me it didn't feel like cancer to him, just a 'bone growth' - osteo.....something. He also told us that if the cancer seems to be 'retreating', as mine seems to be from the radiation at least, that it will not likely spread to other sites, like brain, liver, etc. That was excellent news to us and I was especially cheered since I have found it difficult not to assume that every new twinge or pain is an indication of the cancer spreading somewhere else. There are now always two voices in my head debating whether or not it is spreading - a sore elbow could be bone cancer...or just a pinched nerve. I think it is because the original cancer kind of sneaks up on you that you are never sure that it's not going to jump on you again somewhere else. You tell yourself not to be so negative but the other little voice says. "Yes, but...". Anyhow - this will help with all of that mental wondering and I was very glad to hear it.

Today is the last quiet day before the wedding schedule takes over - manicures, laundry, hair appointments, packing (trying not to take my entire wardrobe), ordering enough oxygen tanks, etc. It's going to be a lot of fun ! I am feeling really well and am so thankful that I will be able to participate in these celebrations with enthusiasm.

May God be with you today in whatever you are doing. Thank you again for your prayers and loving concern. I am happy to tell you that I am feeling so much better.


Gail said...

Helen: So glad to hear that you are feeling a little better and stronger and will be able to enjoy Saturday and all the activities. We will be thinking about you. Gail

msgsupra said...

Hi Helen,

Glad to hear of the great time had by all at the weddings, and especially of the recent encouraging signs medically. Will continue to pray....