Thursday, June 3, 2010

Update - June 3, 2010

Good morning - I thought I'd better remind everyone that this is my week off from chemo; nothing happening with that now until next Monday. It's two weekly treatments and then a week off; that's considered one cycle. I will have at least 6 cycles, if it works. Next Tuesday, I have an appointment for an ultrasound-guided needle biopsy of the lump on my head. I am quite anxious about that but there's nothing to be done except wait. I've found that since I started this journey, every physical twinge sends me thinking about the cancer spreading - is it or not? Sometimes you just have to turn your mind away from that and choose not to think about it. That may be a kind of 'ostrich' manouevre but it saves on emotional wear and tear and useless output of energy.

I continue to feel better and to be able to do more. Last Saturday, another group of 'garden elves' came to work on my big flower bed in the middle of the front lawn. My oxygen hose wasn't long enough to get out there, so after fussing on the front porch for a while, I just took it off, hauled a picnic cooler out for a place to sit, and visited with them as they worked. I was able to go without oxygen for almost two hours, which felt good. Several days later, in the evening, I was able to get the garden hose out, water the flowers in the front bed and put it back. I got tangled up with my oxygen hose once or twice, but David didn't laugh at me and let me sort it out for myself. It feels so good to be able to do some of these things again. Made a fruit salad for dessert Monday night when we had company, got supper ready to cook last night - still in the game.

My sister is driving here from Ottawa today and we will have a couple of days together; she'll be back again for the weddings in a couple of weeks.

So - that's about all the news for now - I'll bring you up to date again next week after I've had the biopsy and stuff.

God bless -


Unknown said...

Thank you for the update, Helen. We are praying for you. We have had a busy week with a fire 62 Kms east of here. Ron's brother sent 2 D8s to the site and a nephew came to operate one and Barry is on the other. Marsha came as well so we had a good visit. The fire is under control and all have left. They are floating the second D8 today and Ron has gone to help with that and move his delimber as well. His unsaved friend with whom he works out is with him. Pray for their conversation. We also had another couple with us for 2 nights on their way home from the west. A busy week, but fun! Sending lots of love your way! Ron & Myrna

David Gast said...

Your blog is amazing. And YOU are amazing. Sharon and I think of you often and pray for you daily. Someone sent to me Wendy Fransico's "God and Dog". Check it out through Googling or YouTube. It is 1 minute 39 seconds of appreciation for how much God loves us --- and YOU too.

Gail said...

Helen, so glad to hear that you are feeling like doing a few things. Like David says, YOU are amazing. Sending love and keeping you in our prayers. Gail

Jan and Gunther said...

Thanks for the update, rather positive and encouraging to read. Gunther and I did an MS walk in Kingston two weeks ago in memory of his sister Gabi. What a way to spend quality time with family including 3 month old Logan and 4.5 year old Emma. Life through little eyes is so much fun.
Jan and Gunther