Friday, December 19, 2008

Update for Thursday, Dec. 18, 2008

We followed the usual routine yesterday - up at 5:15, out of the house about 6:45, in the parking lot in Windsor 3 minutes before 8:00 (as pointed out by my steady chauffeur!), etc. Everything went well at the lab and with the doctor's visit - she continues to be pleased with how I am tolerating the chemo - and then off to the chemo clinic. They always do a 'vitals check' - blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature - and that's where things started to go off the rails. My first blood pressure was 163/100. I had been sitting in the waiting room for about 20 min. and had only walked about 100 ' into the clinic and laid down on the gurney - not a tremendous exertion. Protocol says I cannot receive the Avastin (the clinical trial drug) if my top number is over 150 because it's purpose is to restrict blood flow. So I tried to 'meditate/calm myself', and it came down to 138/89...better, but still not good, considering that I am already on medication to lower my b.p. Also, the Benydryl and other anti-allergic meds that I am given should relax things and help lower my b.p. I got the Taxol, my regular chemo, lying down and being quiet for the 3 hrs. that took - nice little drifts again - but when the nurse came to take my vitals again before the Avastin, I was sitting up, and my b.p. was 152/89...lying down brought it to 148.87. So the decision was made that I would skip the Avastin this trip and have it again Jan. 2. We also talked about my regular dosage of b.p. meds and increased that from 10 mg. to 15. They were very clear that it is the effect of the Avastin - 'well-documented' was the expression used - and when combined with 'a previously-existing condition', not a surprise. I will have the Avastin Jan. 2 and 15, and after that it will become a 3-week cycle, so that should also help. It will also be interesting these 2 weeks to separate out the effects of the Avastin from the other chemo - I'll maybe know better what I will be dealing with once I am only on Avastin. I also have an appointment Jan. 5 with my radiologist to set up the schedule for that part of the treatment.

So - an interesting day. We were finished chemo about 3:15 but had to wait for a new prescription for my b.p. meds so actually left the building about 4:00. We stopped for supper in Windsor and then did a bit of shopping and got gas - 69.4 !! - on the way home, so it was still about a 12-hr. day. Only one more to go !

I really have to give credit to the nurses in the chemo clinic. They are so good - professional in their approach to their responsibilities but kind and personal in their approach to the patients. I may be cared for by 2 or 3 of them in the course of a visit - one main one but the others cover over lunch or if my main one is busy with another patient. When I think that they do this every day, I am very respectful of their level of competence. I think that there are 24 places in the clinic; I think that there would be 30 - 35 people come through daily - there are morning and afternoon appointments in part of the clinic. There seem to be 8 nurses who look after all of that, plus the charge nurse. It's a busy place !

Thank you again for your prayers. I continue to do well - feeling pretty good today but I'm on my supplementary steroids and anti-nausea stuff. We'll see what Monday brings, when they are done. Regardless, it is continuing to go extremely well and I truly feel that your prayers are a big part of the reason.


Dave and Sharon said...

Just catching up on your blog. I can really empathize with so much you have and are experiencing. You are truly a real trouper. Keep looking up and forward.
You can depend on the Lord's care and our prayers.
Have a wonderful Christmas.

Amanda said...

Hi Mme Goldsmith,
just finished reading this blog, I'm a bit behind,
but keep up the attitude Mme. Goldsmith, it can almost make me cry how people can complain everyday about little things like if their water is cold, and you're not even complaining about something this big.
I know this is one of the reason I respect you so much Madame.
Have a very merry and SAFE christmas.
prayer and wishes like always,
Amanda Deseure