Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update - Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008

Here we are at the end of the fifth cycle - off to Windsor tomorrow for my sixth treatment ! I'll be finished chemo in a month - Jan. 2. Hard to believe! Anyhow - my take on this second type of chemo is that 1) it makes me more tired that the first kind 2) the skin on the palms of my hands is drier and peeling - have to use LOTS of really good hand cream 3) I don't get 'chemo voice' so much with it and there is less nose-blowing although my throat is still fairly sensitive and 4) I seem to get a little more emotional with it - although that may just be part of the overall process. So - better, overall.

I was able to attend a social event last night out of town and made it to 11:00 p.m.! There's life in these old bones yet. I also had lunch with good friends yesterday- as I did with a college roomate last Saturday. I will take this kind of medicine as often as I can get it! I am blessed with many friends who take me out and cheer me up.

All in all, it's been a good cycle; I'm hoping that my body will adjust to this chemo as it seemed to with the first and that I will see less impact each time. I'm also hoping for a shorter day tomorrow and that my port will be running clear the first time !

Thanks for your prayers.


Gail said...

Hi Helen:
Hope today went well for you again. We have been thinking about you and reading your blog.

Helen Goldsmith said...

Glad you're finding it useful - we only live side-by-side! I didn't get back to you about your offer re: the library...still managing OK with contributions from other friends and family...but thanks for the offer.