Thursday, November 27, 2008

Update Nov. 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to any south-of-the-border readers today! I hope you have a great time with family and friends, in spite of the economic shakings we are all experiencing.

This week on the new chemo has followed much of the pattern of the first type. As long as I am on my supplementary meds after the treatment, I feel OK but when they stop, then I have a reaction to that and then I am OK again. So, Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday I was able to do the things I normally do - shopping for groceries, garbage to the dump, make it to Sunday School, go out for coffee, etc. Sunday afternoon things start to slide and Monday wasn't very good - actually spent the day in my jammies, which is rare. However, by Monday afternoon, things started to improve, and Tuesday was better - went out for supper and had a good visit with a long-time friend. Yesterday I went to get my wig re-styled and several other errands. I missed my afternoon rest and that wasn't a good idea. I'll have to make sure I get it today - or plan to be in bed by 8:00 p.m. like I was last night !

I have noticed that this type of chemo doesn't make my nose run like a tap but I do seem to be more tired and my fingers feel like I have extra skin on them. I will definitely have to put them in that ice water again at the next treatment. I don't want to lose feeling permanently.

So - just truckin' along, doing what I can, starting to think about Christmas and getting the house ready for that. Thank you again for your prayers.

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