Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Just Carrying On...Nov. 4/08

These are my 'good days' and I'm just enjoying them...and trying not to overdo it so that my white blood cell count can recover. We went for groceries Saturday afternoon and went out for supper that night with 'the cousins'. (David has a large group of cousins on his mother's side in the area and some of them try to get together every 6 - 8 weeks or so). Sunday, I made it to church in the morning and then in the afternoon made an apple pie, something I haven't done in a couple of years. I just had a taste for one - and there was enough pastry left over to make a blueberry pie for someone else. Desserts for the week!! Didn't do much yesterday - just a bit of junk removal...throwing out some magazines from 2000 ! Why do we think we will ever re-use some of this stuff ??

So - just putzing along, hoping my white blood cells are doing good things and that when I get to Windsor on Thursday, I will be able to have my next treatment. I am concerned that if my WBC is too low, the treatment will be delayed...and I still have this nose-blowing thing going on. Is it a cold or is it sinus irritation from the chemo? This coming treatment will be the last one of the first type and then on Nov. 20 I switch to the second kind of chemo. The first delivery of that will take 6 hours - it tends to produce allergic reactions and it is delivered slowly the first couple of times. Then still 30 min. for the clinical trial drug after that...but I will move into the room with the beds for this, so it shouldn't be too bad and I can nap if I need to.

My children all think I look good sans hair, but I tell them "Enjoy it while you can !" We have all become Skype converts in the last couple of weeks, so they have all seen me 'au naturel' and are quite complimentary in their relief. It's a scary thought, to see your mother bald. But not as scary as imagined and actually not too bad ! Interestingly enough, my hair seems to be growing back in a bit. We'll see what the second kind of chemo does; still have eyebrows and eyelashes, too.

My thought for the week has been a verse from the Old Testament, from the story of Job chapter 23, verse 10 - "God knows every detail of what is happening to me, and when He has tested me, I will be purified, like gold in a fire." The creative process is ongoing in our lives, making us into the people that God intended us to be.

1 comment:

mims said...

A friend from church who had colon cancer had the surgery and chemo. Her mom and she had both been blonds. When Pam's hair grew back in after chemo it came in dark brown like her father's had been. Go figure!