Thursday, October 30, 2008

And then again...Oct. 30, 2008

Well, things were going pretty well, all things considered, until this afternoon. This week is the 'uncomfortable week' in the cycle - don't sleep all that well, throat is tender and my voice sounds creaky, up frequently at night - all part of the chemo effects. They usually start diminishing by the second weekend and then I have 4 or 5 days of 'normal' - what I think of as my 'comfortable week'. This time I have also had a cold - thought for a long time that it was just the sinus irritation that is also a side effect of one of the chemo drugs, but it has declared itself as a cold with sneezing and coughing as well as too much nose-blowing. (I actually had it when we went for chemo last week and I was approved for the treatment.)

Today, I went for my regular bloodwork at the Chatham hospital and then treated myself to a visit at my former school, since I was 'all dressed up'. I had a nice visit in the staff room with quite a few people and talked with some more on the way out - medicine comes in many forms ! I felt pretty good, I thought, and others that I saw today agreed. Then, this afternoon, I got a call from the pharmacy in Windsor saying that my white blood count was 'way too low - down to 1.1 instead of 4.5 - 7 - and that my doctor was putting me on antibiotics. That was a surprise ! (I get a shot 24 hours after my chemo is finished to keep my white blood cell count up.) But I am tired, when I stop to think about it. So - more pills. I hope that they work enough that I can keep on the delivery schedule and receive the next treatment on Nov. 6.

So now I will have to be more careful, wash my hands more, etc. - be more careful who I kiss !! Still up, dressed and going though, so don't think I am out for the count yet.

Thank you for your cards of encouragement - there's one in the mail almost every day - and for your ongoing prayers. I am humbled by the love and concern that so many show me.

1 comment:

mims said...

Hi Helen,

I wrote David to say I'd lost your blog address but then found it in an earlier email so now I've caught up. My computer got very sick and had to be wiped so I lost "my favorites". We are moved and friends came this weekend and have helped tremendously with putting up pictures and getting the house in order. Its feeling quite homey already. Thanks for taking the time to blog ... it helps know how to pray for you. Love, Lynn