Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cycle 2 / Thanksgiving

We were in Windsor for 8:00 a.m.Thursday, Oct. 9 for the second cycle of chemo - an interesting exercise for two retirees ! Anyhow - made it in good time and things went much better - I knew more what to expect and it wasn't as unnerving when the administering nurse put on safety glasses and double gloves before she started the chemo! Thank goodness again for my little port - it makes it so simple. We were able to go out for a late lunch before returning to Chatham. Friday was a good day - I made pumpkin pies and tarts for the weekend - but Saturday wasn't so nice. However, Amy had arrived Friday evening and Mike and Lian arrived Saturday afternoon and between them we had a nice Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night. We all enjoyed the meal although David was overtaken by a massive head cold which kind of derailed things for him. Visitors left after lunch on Sunday and things were quiet after that.

So far, I haven't had any days of 'flu-like symptoms' this time - no nausea at all for which I am very thankful. I have to just park myself a couple of times during the day and read or just lie down for a while but that's really all that is happening to me. Things should start to improve now again as I move into the second week of this cycle. Again, I am very thankful for this.

Other signs are a creaky voice - no way I could run a classroom ! - and falling hair. I look like a shedding dog - every comb-through brings a handful of hair with it...I now look like one of those little old ladies whose scalp you can see through their hair. Time to start with the hats, scarves and nice wig that I have accumulated. Unfortunately, I have rediscovered that I don't like the feeling of anything tight on my head - but that's the breaks, I guess. More practice !!

Thank you again for your prayers for me - they support me continually on a daily-life basis and I am able to just keep on doing my thing.

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