Monday, February 16, 2009

Update - Monday, February 16, 2009

I am happy to be able to report another good week. I continue to feel less tired and able to function more normally. I had all my scheduled radiation treatments and was able to have my Avastin treatment on Thursday as well. Blood pressure continues to be an issue with that but I just made it 'under the wire'. I am starting to have redness of skin in the chest area - you could practically put a ruler on it as the edges are quite clearly defined - but that is not only expected but desired, according to the radiation technicians. The tumour was quite close to my chest wall and they want to 'dose' the skin as well as the muscles in that area. I have been given hydrocortisone cream for the redness and it is helping.

David had to be in Toronto Thursday and Friday of the week, so my daughter came and drove me to Windsor for my appointments those days. It was great to have time with her and we got in a little 'shopping time' after I was finished at the Cancer Centre. I have been so thankful for the support and encouragement of my family during this time. David was back in time to treat us to a most enjoyable dinner out for Valentine's Day, also much appreciated, complete with flowers.

I would ask for your prayers this week for my sister, though. She mis-stepped on her way to her bedroom Saturday night in the dark and fell down the entire staircase at her home, hitting a bench at the bottom of it as well. She had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital and has suffered broken ribs on both sides, a broken left wrist, dislocated left shoulder and many bumps and bruises. She was carrying a mug of hot milk; the mug struck the wall and cut her throat as well as her forehead and she has stitches in both locations. I have spoken to her several times by phone (she lives in Ottawa) and she seems better today but I am not able to go to see her because of my treatmenr schedule and that is hard. This will be a lot for her from which to recover; we don't bounce back quite a quickly as we get older.

I have received Valentines and Valentine gifts this week ! Thank you for remembering me still and for your kindness. Thank you also, of course, for your prayers. I never know who all is praying for me and it is comforting and touching to be out somewhere, meet someone I haven't seen for a while and have the conversation close with - "Oh - and I pray for you daily." It's really very humbling but I appreciate it so much and feel that it is one of the main reasons why I have been able to deal with this illness as well as I have.

May God be with you this week and may you be conscious of His presence with you.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

You have my deepest prayers for your sister.
She deserves them if she is anything at all like you.
