Monday, March 22, 2010

Update - March 22, 2010

Well, at the risk of being repetitious - there's still a lot going on ! March is passing in a blur.

First of all, David found out on March 12, that there's nothing wrong with his heart or blood pressure - the dizziness and falling are the result of problems with his inner ear. It's a type of vertigo and he returned from his doctor's appointment with a simple head-over-the-end-of-the-bed exercise that he can repeat several times a week to 're-set' his balance mechanism. He has seen a remarkable improvement even in a few days and feels much more confident and sure of his mobility. We were very relieved to discover the cause and to have a simple solution for the problem ! He has more tests scheduled but this was a big result. While all this was happening, I was cooling my heels in Windsor, going through the process of another CT scan.

On Monday, March 15, our youngest son arrived from Kitchener to accompany us and be our assist with luggage, etc. and we all flew to Dallas that evening. Tuesday was not Day 1 of treatment, as originally planned; instead, I had some of the screening bloodwork repeated and a couple of conversations with various people who are running the cancer centre. Mike was able to record these so that other family members could hear the discussions. I did find out that day that I was randomized into the experimental drug group - another answer to prayer !! In a way, I was not surprised - just felt that things were continuing to work out 'as planned'.

Wednesday was 'Day 1' and what a day it turned out to be. We were at the hospital for 9:00 - started getting anti-nausea meds by 9:27 and the IV treatment of the drug started about 10:27 for 2 hours. No problem there - just sit in a nice recliner and read a magazine or something while it drips into you. First blood samples were taken about 1:15 or so and I was told that I had about 2 hrs. to wait until the next one. I could go down to the atrium and get something to eat or whatever as long as I didn't leave the building. Well, I made it to the waiting room and realized that I wasn't leaving the office! I returned to a treatment room with a bed and checked out until about 2:15, when the reactions started, as I had been warned...diarrhea for half an hour or so took care of half my digestive system. I rested until it was time for the next blood draw and returned to the chemo room - was part way through the blood draw when the nausea arrived - took care of the other part of my digestive system! I had been given anti-nausea meds at 9:27; thinking that these had worn off, they gave me more and of a different kind. This stuff just T-boned me - couldn't talk right, couldn't walk without help - doped to the gills! But I didn't throw up much afterwards! Anyhow - left the hospital about 5:30 in a wheelchair with a bucket in my lap...returned to the hotel and slept it off until about 9:00, when I awoke starving and managed some toast. Steve was there too and brought me back to the hotel in his car, which was a lot better than a cab. We realized late that evening that I wasn't in any shape to be flying the next day, so David, Steve and Mike re-arranged things to leave Friday instead. That will have to be the plan from now on, I think.

Thursday was better; we were back to the hospital for another blood draw by 7:30 and then had time for a family breakfast at the hotel after we got back. Kristen and the grandkids had made the trip to Dallas too, so we had a nice time together. I found that my taste was off again - one of the side effects of chemo - but I could eat OK. The highlight of the day was dinner that night at a BenneHanna restaurant (Japanese teppanyaki, where they cook at the table). We all enjoyed it, and Clay found it especially entertaining. I had a pretty good day - just had to rest in the afternoon - but no other side effects...just recovering.

Friday we were able to have one last family breakfast together before we all split up - the Austin tribe to make the return trip and the Ontario tribe to the airport. We had a later flight - left Dallas at 4:00 CT and arrived back in Detroit just after 10:00 p.m. We were in Chatham by 12:15 and Mike left to drive back to KW by 12:30 ! The night was clear and the road was almost empty, so it was a good time for him to go.

Overall, it was a good experience. I have been quite tired since returning but then I haven't had the usual 3 days post-treatment of 'happy pills' - steroids and my big anti-nausea med. So - a little more realistic, perhaps, and I have had to listen to my body more and not push it, which is probably good. However, I do feel a bit more 'settled' today and am hoping that I am over the worst of it. Time will tell ! The staff in Dallas were already talking about trying different anti-nausea meds for me next time, so we'll see what difference that might make. They are great people, very kind and sympathetic, as most people seem to be who have chosen this line of work.

I return to Dallas the week after Easter for a second treatment and then will have another CT scan April 21 to see if the drug is having any effect. If it is, then I return to Dallas for Cycle 3 the last week of April. That will be the pattern - two treatments and then a CT scan. If the results are good, then we continue. If the cancer shows growth of 20% or more, the treatments are discontinued and another plan will be drawn up. So please pray that there will be reason to continue !

I do feel that this is God's plan for me - even though I wasn't too sure there for a while about all the traveling - but it just seems so unusual that I would even have this opportunity that I don't know how else it would come about. I am so thankful that I can try this, thankful for the time to see the Austin tribe, thankful for the time with other family members - there's a lot of good coming out of this, even though it is scary. Friends feel that they would like to pray for me and they do - in coffee shops, in halls in the church, in wherever we happen to be - I am in awe of their caring and support. When I get rattled, I think back to some of these experiences and am comforted and calmed. So many of you are praying for me and for our family and I thank you so much. I have a little 'mental collection' of faces, comments, etc. that I draw on when the black thoughts swirl around in my head and they help me turn away from all of that and choose to trust, choose not to panic, choose to 'rest in the Lord'. Thank you again.

Isn't it great to see the robins back and wake up to birdsong in the mornings ? Spring is going to make it ! Choose joy !


Dave said...

You are my hero! Incredible courage arising from your faith. You are being so strong and accepting that God as always is by your side. There is no where else that you could get such strength.
What an example you are to all of us. I pray that God will provide the cure that you need and that you will continue to feel His presence throughout this ordeal.

Gail said...

Helen: Thanks again for the updates. I feel the same as Dave. You are incredible and we pray that God will provide the cure that you need. We continue to pray for you and the family. Gail