Monday, April 5, 2010

Update - April 5, 2010

Not too much to tell but I thought I'd just bring everyone up to the present. This week is scheduled to be my second treatment in Dallas and my sister and I fly down there tomorrow. I should have the treatment on Wednesday if my bloodwork report is good. I'm a little anxious about it this time because I had such a strong reaction the last time...but they were going to try some other nausea meds, so we'll see how it goes. At least I know to give myself a recovery day before the return flight! Steve and Kristen are bringing the kids up again, so there is more 'grandma time' and Amy is already there on business, so we should all have supper Tuesday night, before the fun starts.

We had a lovely Easter weekend with my sister and two of our four, plus fiancée. I was able to go to the Good Friday service at church, which was very moving. We had Easter dinner on Saturday night and the amount of effort I put into getting that ready apparently ran my system right down because I then had to spend most of Easter Sunday in bed. That is more an indication of how little energy I have these days than how much I did, because I had lots of help. I was really disappointed but I just couldn't pull it off.

I have found this chemo to be more debilitating than any of the other kinds that I have had. I go to Dallas not feeling really recovered from the first round - another reason for my anxiety. When I read the list of 'possible side effects', I see 'tiredness', 'muscle weakness', 'decreased appetite', 'low red blood cell count' - all things that could acount for this. I'll be asking about it when there. I'm also hoping that if this medicine is having this much effect on my body, then it must also be having an effect on the cancer. God continues to reassure me, through various people's comments and other ways, that He has a plan and has things under control and that I am not to worry. Some days take more practice at that than others !

That's about all there is to say, except to thank you all once again for your prayers, cards, and concern. Your kindness is so much appreciated.


Daniel Keith Goldsmith said...

Aunt Helen, I continue to uphold you in my prayers. I trust that things go well for you in your treatment down in Dallas this week. Love you lots.

Dan Jr.

Dan & Leona said...

Dear David Helen:

Don't forget, you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Trust you have some good "grandma time" in Dallas.

Love, Dan Leona

Gail said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope this trip to Dallas is better than the first one. Enjoy those grandchildren. Gail

J & S Parr said...
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J & S Parr said...

I have had the song "God will make a way" in my heart and head for some time over the past week. It's a promise I've been claiming, that no matter what the circumstance,, what the need, God WILL make a way. I trust him in that for you and Dave.
You are never far from my thoughts and prayers,